The Institute for Expository Preaching: Sacramento
When: November 5-7 2018
Where: Grace Bible Church - 5010 Hazel Ave. Fair Oaks CA
We live in a day in which there is a famine in the land for the hearing of God's Word. In response to this spiritual drought, the ministries of OnePassion and Ligonier are devoted to calling those who stand in pulpits to the high standard of biblical preaching. If we are to see a new reformation in this day, there must first be a reformation of the pulpit. Only then can the church experience transcendent worship, authentic godliness, and true evangelism.
In this course titled "Preaching the Gospel: Expositing the Word, Evangelizing the Lost" Dr. Lawson will teach the necessary distinctions of the evangelistic preaching of the saving gospel of Jesus Christ. This event is designed for men who are serving in or considering various church leadership and pastoral roles. However, pastors' wives and those who teach in women's ministry occasionally attend.
Cost: (Don't let the cost be a deterrent - ask about being sponsored - we know you're having to miss work to attend)
$149 - STANDARD $199 - After Sept 29
Registration Includes:
-Admission to all eight sessions and multiple Q&A's
-Two meals
-Coffee and refreshments during the event
-The Institute for Expository Preaching workbook
Key Note Speakers:
Dr. Steve Lawson - Pastor, Author, and President & Founder of OnePassion Ministries
Schedule at a Glance:
MONDAY, November 5, 2018
1:00pm Registration
2:00pm Session #1 What Evangelistic Preaching Is
3:30pm Break
4:00pm Session #2 What Evangelistic Preaching Involves
5:30pm Dinner - served on site
TUESDAY, November 6, 2018
9:00am Session #3 Why We Must Do Evangelistic Preaching
10:00am Break
10:15am Questions and Answers
11:00am Session #4 Why Evangelistic Preaching Is Rare
12:00pm Lunch - served on site
1:30pm Session #5 How We Do Evangelistic Preaching
2:30pm Break
3:00pm Session #6 How To Improve Your Evangelistic Preaching
4:00pm Questions and Answers
WEDNESDAY, November 7, 2018
9:00am Session #7 What Is Needed For Evangelistic Preaching
10:00am Break
10:15am Session #8 Sermon Manuscript - Matthew 9:9
11:30am Questions and Answers
Go to the Conference Website to register. Be sure to let the pastor Paul know that you're doing so - that we can plan accordingly.
Extra Details:
The plan will be to carpool from Antioch in time to arrive at the conference each day on time and then to go home when the day's sessions are completed.