Hi Church Family,
As we have mentioned over previous discource, we are going to be openly meeting starting July 5th, 2020 in accordance with the fair guidelines our county and the CDC has recommended. Please take a look at the instructions below. Let us know if you have any questions.
1. We will be conducting one service to begin with, starting at 9am. Please do not arrive more than 10 minutes before the start of the service. Please wear a facemask in compliance to the guidance we have been asked to follow. Children under 2 do not need to wear a facemask. All children will join us in service.
2. We have removed half of the seats from the sanctuary so that households can sit 6 feet apart from one another. We will live stream the service into the fellowship hall with appropriately spaced seating available there. People from the same household may sit together, we ask that people from different households sit at least two seats away from one another.
3. If you are sick, we require you to stay home. If you have exhibited any of the following symptoms within the last 48 hours, please protect your brothers and sisters by staying home until you are well: fever of 100.4 or higher, persistent cough, difficulty breathing, chest pains, sore throat, or diarrhea. Every person who attends will be asked to submit to an infra-red thermometer check prior to entering the building so that we can avoid facilitating the spread of the virus.
4. If you are high-risk, we encourage you to stay home. We want to be near to you too, but we would rather take extra precautions and avoid the possibility of you becoming seriously ill.
5. If you have reservations about being out in larger crowds, and decide to stay home and livestream, you absolutely have the freedom to do that and we will support you in that decision. We will continue to publish the Sunday Worship guide, and we will attempt to live stream the service through youtube.
6. If you have issues of conscience and decide to stay home, we will support your decision to do so. But please understand, there are others who have a different conscience on the matter. Let us follow Rom. 14 and not judge each other for differences of conscience. We must be charitable with each other and respect each other.
7. We will ask that you please exhibit caution in physical interactions with one another. For the time being, please avoid personal contact such as hugs and hand-shakes. This is very out of character for our congregation and will take self-discipline, but it is only for a time and could be very helpful in keeping one another healthy.
8. After each service we are asking those present to please vacate the building in a timely manner. If you want to visit, please do so out in the parking lot, but please continue to abide by reasonable social distancing guidelines.
We are grateful to the Lord for the opportunity to be able to openly meet together again.
- The elders of FFC